Private Policy



广州逆渡集团 , 广州逆渡信息有限公司和挪灯人游戏工作室联合声明

Guangzhou Node Group, Guangzhou Node Information Technology Co.,LTD and Patha Pradipa Game Studio Joint Statement



重要信息 – 请仔细阅读 本《隐私政策》 (Private Policy) 是阁下(个人或单一法律实体 , 在下文可被称为 使用者或您 在使用逆渡集团(包括 广州逆渡集团旗下所有子公司和品牌,如广州逆渡信息有限公司和挪灯人游戏工作室, 以下简称为我们或逆渡)的 软件 应用和服务时,我们对于如何处理个人信息所作出的书面声明 。逆渡会按照本隐私权政策的规定以高度的勤勉、审慎义务 对待, 使用和披露您的个人信息 除本隐私权政策另有规定外,在未征得您事先许可的情况下,逆渡不会将这些信息对外披露或向第三方提供 我们尊重并保护所有使用服务用户的个人隐私权。


IMPORTANT – READ CAREFULLY : T his   Privacy Policy is a written declaration by you Y ou (an individual or a single legal entity, hereinafter referred to as the “U ser or  Y ou ” )  r egarding how personal information is handled when using services, applications, and software provided by N o d e  Group (including all subsidiaries and brands under N o d e  Group, Such as Guangzhou Node Information Technology Co.,LTD and Patha Pradipa Game Studio hereinafter referred to as “Us  or N o d e” ). N o d e  will handle, use, and disclose your personal information with utmost diligence and care in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy. Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, N o d e  will not disclose or provide such information to third parties without your prior consent. We respect and protect the personal privacy of all users of our services.


1.  适用范围

1.1.  声明: 目前逆渡并没有在公开市场提供网络应用,因此逆渡的软件和应用不会收集您的个人信息(如账号,密码,付款信息和个人联系方式等)。与逆渡达成合作关系的公司收集数据与我们无关。如若未来逆渡推出需要收集个人信息的软件应用,我们将启用新的隐私政策。

1.2.  政策更新: 逆渡会随着软件应用的更新推出而更新隐私政策,并发布公告。

1.3.  您了解并同意,以下信息不适用本隐私权政策:

1.3.1.  公开信息或半公开的信息。(如用户名,公开评价和评分等信息)

1.3.2.  软件内记录用户行为的特殊信息。(如用户成就,用户活动等信息)

1.3.3.  违反在地法律规定或违反逆渡规则的行为及逆渡已对您采取的措施。


2.  个人信息的收集


2.1.  合作平台或公司提供: 其他公司在与逆渡合作时,因为合作内容,有可能得到您的个人信息。

2.2.  在您与我们互动或使用我们服务过程中获取的信息:

2.2.1.  您主动提供给我们的信息请求,包括您输入的查询信息或您为了获得客服支持而提供的问题或信息等。您在线或通过电话、邮件、参加线上线下活动的沟通记录等。

2.2.2.  您浏览我们的网站时,我方所获得的信息。(如阁下的 IP地址,设备信息等)

2.2.3.  你在使用逆渡旗下的公开平台或版块时,我方获得的信息。(如 Discord社群等)

2.3.  第三方及非识别性数据:


3.  个人信息的使用

3.1.  逆渡不会向任何无关第三方提供、出售、出租、分享或交易您的个人信息,除非事先得到您的许可,或该第三方和逆渡单独或共同为您提供服务,且在该服务结束后,其将被禁止访问包括其以前能够访问的所有这些资料。

3.2.  其他公司在与逆渡合作时,我方所获你的个人信息。这部分的信息将同时受到逆渡与其他公司所签署的保密协议条款的限制。

3.3.  目前逆渡集团的软件应用,获取的外部存储权限仅在用户本地设备使用,逆渡不会上传用户保存的数据。

4.  个人信息的披露


4.1.  经您事先同意,向第三方披露。

4.2.  为提供您所要求的产品和服务,而必须和第三方共享您的个人信息。

4.3.  如您的行为违反了在地法律、法规和政策,根据在地法律、法规和政策的有关规定,或者行政、立法或司法机构的要求,向第三方或者行政、立法和司法机构披露。

4.4.  如果逆渡牵涉到重组、合并或破产和清理诉讼,那么您的个人信息还可能会被披露给交易方。

4.5.  如您是适格的知识产权投诉人并已提起司法程序,应被投诉人要求,向被投诉人披露被诉人的一定的信息(如向司法机关提起诉讼的必要身份信息),以便双方处理可能的权利纠纷。

5.  本政策名词解释


5.1.  广州逆渡集团 /逆渡 :旗下拥有广州逆渡信息有限公司,挪灯人游戏工作室等法律实体的集团。本隐私政策内,逆渡及其所有法律实体内可被视为同一个实体,除非有另外说明。

5.2.  合作平台和公司 :指与我们缔结了合作协议的第三方法律实体。

5.3.  本政策中标点符号使用

l  A、B和C:指A和B和C三个实体。

l  A、B或C:指A或B或C三个实体。

l  A(B):括号内是对括号前的名词的补充说明




(以下为《隐私政策》(Private Policy)的英文版本,如政策的内容有任何差异,则以中文版本为准。)

(Below is the English version of the 'Privacy Policy.'  If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.)


1.  Applicability

1.1.  Declaration: Currently, Node does not provide Network’s Applications in the public market, thus Node's software and applications do not collect your personal information (such as account details, passwords, payment information, and personal contact information). Companies collaborating with Node collect data independently, which is unrelated to us. If Node introduces software applications in the future that require the collection of personal information, we will enable a new privacy policy.

1.2.  Policy Updates: Node will update the privacy policy in conjunction with software application updates and will make announcements accordingly.

1.3.  You understand and agree that the following information is not covered by this Privacy Policy:

1.3.1.  Public or semi-public information (such as usernames, public reviews, and ratings).

1.3.2.  Special information recorded within the software regarding user behavior (such as user achievements, user activities, etc.).

1.3.3.  Actions that violate local legal regulations or Node's rules and the measures Node has taken against you.


2.  Collection of Personal Information

As mentioned above, Node's software and applications do not collect your personal information, but we may obtain your personal information through the following channels:

2.1.  Provided by collaboration platforms or companies: Other companies may obtain your personal information during collaborations with Node due to the nature of the collaboration.

2.2.  Information obtained during your interaction with us or while using our services:

2.2.1.  Information voluntarily provided by you, including queries you input or questions or information you provide to obtain customer support. Communication records from online or offline activities, telephone calls, emails, etc.

2.2.2.  Information obtained when you browse our website (such as your IP address, device information, etc.).

2.2.3.  Information obtained when you use public platforms or forums under Node (such as Discord communities).

2.3.  Third-party and non-identifying data:

Where permitted by law, we may also obtain non-identifying data from public and commercial third parties or public sources (for example, we may purchase statistical data from other companies to support our services). Non-identifying data refers to data that cannot be used to identify individuals. For example,the stats of Official website search, the stats of keyword search, etc. We collect this data to improve our services and better meet user needs. We will make every effort to isolate your personal information from non-identifying data and use these two types of data separately. If personal information is mixed with non-identifying data, it will still be treated as personal information for processing purposes.

3.  Use of Personal Information

3.1.  Node will not provide, sell, rent, share, or trade your personal information with any unrelated third parties unless we have obtained your permission in advance, or the third party and Node independently or jointly provide services to you, and after the service ends, they will be prohibited from accessing all such data that they could access previously.

3.2.  Personal information obtained by us through collaborations with other companies will be subject to confidentiality agreements signed between Node and those companies.

3.3.  Currently, Node Group's software applications only obtain external storage permissions for use on users' local devices, and Node will not upload user-stored data.

4.  Disclosure of Personal Information

Node will fully or partially disclose your personal information according to your permission or legal requirements under the following circumstances:

4.1.  With your permission, disclosure to third parties.

4.2.  Sharing your personal information with third parties is necessary to provide you with the products and services you requested.

4.3.  If your behavior violates local laws, regulations, and policies, disclosure may be made to third parties, administrative, legislative, or judicial authorities as required by local laws, regulations, and policies, or at the request of administrative, legislative, or judicial authorities.

4.4.  In the event of restructuring, merger, bankruptcy, or liquidation litigation involving Node, your personal information may be disclosed to the parties involved in the transaction.

4.5.  If you are an eligible intellectual property complainant and have initiated legal proceedings, upon request from the defendant, certain information about the defendant (such as necessary identity information for initiating legal proceedings with judicial authorities) will be disclosed to resolve potential disputes.

5.  Other Term Definitions In This Policy


5.1.  Guangzhou  Node’s Group/Node The Group includes legal entities such as Guangzhou Node Information Co., Ltd., and Patha Pradipa Game Studio. Within this Privacy Policy, Node and all its legal entities are considered as a single entity, unless otherwise stated.

5.2.  Collaboration platforms or companies 5.2.Refers to third-party legal entities with whom we have entered into a cooperation agreement.

5.3.  Punctuation Usage in this Policy:

l  A, B, and C: Refers to A, B, and C as three entities.

l  A, B, or C: Refers to A, B, or C as three entities.

l  A (B): The content in parentheses provides supplementary information about the noun preceding the parentheses.



广州逆渡信息有限公司 -广州逆渡集团

Guangzhou Node Information Technology Co.,LTD - Guangzhou Node Group

